The ‘Resource Monitors’ function allows you to view the resource usage for a specific VPS.
Resource Monitors
Login to your WCP Control Panel
Note: You can view our topic on logging into WCP if you need help with this step.
You will then be brought to the Server Manager screen. Click on ‘Resource Monitors’.
Note: If you are logged in but not on this Server Manage page then click the drop-down on the top-right of the page and choose ‘Server Manager’.
You will see a list of the VPS’s currently attached to your account. Click the Pencil icon (
) for the VPS you would like to view the resource usage for.
Resource Monitor Charts
After selecting the server you would like to view resource usage for charts will be displayed for the following fields:
- CPU High Value - This chart will display the highest CPU value reported in the last hour.
- CPU Current Value - This chart will display the current CPU usage (give or take 5 minutes).
- CPU 24 Hour Average - The total average of CPU usage over the last 24 hours.
- Memory High Value - This chart will display the highest Memory usage value reported in the last hour.
- Memory Current Value - This chart will display the current Memory usage (give or take 5 minutes).
- Memory 24 Hour Average - This chart will display the total average for Memory Usage over the last 24 hours.
- Disk Usage - This pie chart will display your current disk usage.
Note: If you mouse over the graph, a tooltip will appear showing you what the measurement is for different timeframes.
Add a Resource Monitor Notification
Resource Monitor notifcations will email a specified user if set conditions are met.
After selecting the server you would like to modify notifications for, click on the Notification tab.
Click on the Add Notification button.
On this box, you will set the following parameters to create a notification:
- Notification Name - Friendly notification name (this can be set to whatever you like)
- Resource Type - The resource that will trigger the notification
- Condition - Set the condition (Greater Than or Less Than)
- Condition % - The percentage that is required to be hit to send the notification
- To Email Address - This will be the email address that the notification will be sent to.
Once all parameters have been set click the Save button.
Edit Existing Notifications
After selecting the server you would like to manage notifications for click on the Notifications tab.
Click the Pencil icon (
) next to the notification you would like to edit.
You will now be able to edit the parameters for the notification.