Advanced Email Settings
The “Advanced” button in the WCP Control Panel, provides you additional influence over your mail functions like SPF and DKIM records and the ability to view your mail user logs.
To use this functionality to make a mail related change or view the logs for your mail domain, please follow the steps below:
Login to your WCP Control Panel
Note: You can view our topic on logging into WCP if you need help with this step.
Next, select the appropriate domain name from the “Hosted Domains” drop-down menu.
Once WCP has loaded the desired domain, navigate to the “Email” category and select the “Advanced” button.
After selecting the “Advanced” you will be loaded into the “Advanced” dialog windows under the “SPF” tab. In this dialog box, you will see 3 available tabs SPF, Domain Keys (DKIM), and Mail Logs.
Under the SPF tab, if you have not created an SPF record in your DNS zone file we highly recommend that you do. This DNS record is regularly used and often required to authenticate your messages from the source. Failure to pass SPF checks can result in your messages being falsely identified as spam and filtered as such.
Within the Domain Keys tab, you have the option to generate a DKIM record in your Domain DNS zone file. Like the SPF record, we highly recommend that you enable this DNS zone record as it will help to properly authenticate messages from their source.
The last tab is the Mail Logs. This tab provides you access to your Mail user logs to troubleshoot message sending error or if there was a filtering event that may have negatively impacted a sender trying to reach you.
First, select the desired user account to search through.
Next, select the time and type of log using the drop-down menu.
The Search Results output field will contain the results based on your search criteria.
Finally, select the green “Search” button to search through the logs for the desired user.
Note: There are two available log types for the search functionality to work with.
SMTP log: This method will log outbound message attempts and respond with connection information.
Delivery log: This method will log inbound and outbound message attempts and report the “delivery” status to determine the outcome of the message attempt.
That concludes the Advanced Email Settings tutorial regarding your access to creating SPF and DKIM records and how to search through your mail user logs to troubleshoot mail sending and receiving issues.