Thank you for taking part in our Beta-Test of the new Hostek Dashboard. Your input, opinions, and observations are very important and help us to provide the absolute best experience to you. To assist you in your Beta-Testing process we have outlined the general information and how to get that information to us. However, any feedback is appreciated.
Feedback Function
The easiest most straight-forward way to submit feedback would be the feedback function included within the dashboard. Instructions on how to accomplish this are listed below:
- Ensure that you logged into your dashboard. Instruction on How to Login
- Click on the ‘Feedback’ button in the top left of the screen.
- A box will open. Fill this out and click Submit FeedBack.
That’s all it takes to drop our developers a note.
Suggestions on Feedback
When submitting feedback any thoughts or comments are welcome. Some examples of information that could be helpful is:
- What features, functions, or aesthetic did you like?
- What features, functions, or aesthetic did you not like?
- Bugs, how did you discover the bug? Can you provide exact steps to replicate this bug?
- What would you like to see added to the Dashboard?