At Hostek, we take online security very seriously. To protect your Hostek Account, we do not perform any account changes or provide sensitive information without account owners consent and verification.
When support requests are received, our team will require security verification prior to proceeding with any request.
We understand that delays in processing your request can be frustrating, however, our intention is to provide the best customer support, including keeping your account and data secure.
For this very reason, we recommend that customers submit their support tickets via our online ticketing system. When submitting a ticket from the client dashboard this prevents the need for additional security verification request, as the ticket will automatically be verified since you signed into your account in order to create the ticket request.
-Jeremy E. [Operations Manager]
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Tips to a Strong Account
To ensure that your account is well secured, we recommend that you follow the below steps:
Step 1: Update Account Details
Account details can be updated directly from the billing control panel by following the steps below:
- Login to Billing Control Panel
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! drop-down. Your account name will be displayed in place of [name].
- Select Edit Account Details from the drop-down.
- Update all the fields with the correct information.
- Click on Save Changes.
View guide on updating account information if necessary.
Step 2: Use Strong Password
By setting a strong password you decrease the chance of someone guessing or brute forcing their way into your account. Follow the steps below to update your password:
- Login to Billing Control Panel
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! drop-down. Your account name will be displayed in place of [name].
- Select Change Password from the drop-down.
- You will need to enter the old password and the newly desired password.
- Click on Save Changes.
View guide on updating password and strong password policy if necessary.
Step 3: Set Security Question
Adding a security question to your account adds an extra layer of security to your account. Any request not submitted from within your client dashboard will be subject to security verification request that includes answering the security question on file. Follow the steps below to set security question:
- Login to Billing Control Panel
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! drop-down. Your account name will be displayed in place of [name].
- Select Security Settings from the drop-down.
- If you already have an existing security question, then answer this correctly in the first field.
- Click the drop-down for the security question type and select your desired account question.
- Enter in the desired answer, then confirm the answer again to ensure there is no misspellings.
- Click on Save Changes.
View guide on updating security question if necessary.
Step 4: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your account adds one of the best and most known levels of security for your account. This method requires that you’ll have access to your 2FA authenticator app at all times that you need to access your account. Follow the steps below to set up 2FA:
- Login to Billing Control Panel
- Click on the Hello, [Name]! drop-down. Your account name will be displayed in place of [name].
- Select Security Settings from the drop-down.
- Under the ‘Two-Factor Authentication’ section click on Click here to Enable.
- Click on Get Started.
- In your authenticator app (such as Google Authenticator on App Store) enter the secret key to add your time-based token. Alternatively, if your app supports it you can scan the barcode for automatic setup.
- Your app should be set up and provide you with a six-digit code. Use this on the setup page within your billing account and click Confirm.
- During this process, a Backup Code will be presented to you. We recommend storing this for safekeeping in case you lose your authenticator app, or the device it was tied to.
View guide on enabling Two-Factor Authentication if necessary.
Note: If you are not able to login to your account in order to perform any of the above-mentioned steps, then see our guide on recovering your account.